Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Travel time

Well it's travel time. ScottyB's on his way out with Haggin and Jerry. Russ just called and he's close to LOTO now. Big race this weekend.... looking forward to getting back into the MTI and running hard with CRC and Bud Select in the Lake of the OZARKS. It will be a fast race. Butterflies already.

Cambridge...The Platinum just did not want to behave this past weekend. It's funny 3000hp never felt so the MTI that much faster...I think so. Oh well, it was great fun battling it out with Rich and Herbie (Cintron). They are great racers and really good guys. (See pic) Both teams were due to retire the Platinum/Skaters after this race. Kinda sad to think that the old girl won't be out on the course anymore.....maybe just one more time in Chattanooga :) Hey Cintron...wanna come play??

Talk with you later


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Had a great race with Cintron in Cambridge, they seemed to run great until they lightened up on fuel and we got around them on lap 6. Great Head to head racing.

Big Race in Lake of the Ozarks this weekend, the OSS National championship. I'm excited because we will be back on the course with Bud Select again and we'll also be back in the MTI