Monday, October 15, 2007


What a weekend! The GEICO "BBQ"team really out did themselves this weekend! The camp was great really beautiful situated on the Cucamonga river shoreline. This set the stage for some blistering speeds by the OPA teams in attendance. Miss GEICO was in her standard flat water race setup. Our initial pass ended up short with a blown intake water line. This put our port engine into guardian at 186mph. Not fun. an hour later the team had both hoses replaced and Miss GEICO laid down a two way average of 188.5 miles per hour with a top speed of over 190 mph setting an new record for the "Chattanooga Mile".
Sat came in strong and Scotty and I felt good about how the boat was performing and ripped a sizzling 136 mph lap speed at 2:11 sec on our first test hot lap.

Sunday brought another beautiful Tennessee day and the anticipation of a n OPA championship trophy. We set the boat on cruise with D&M 10 boat lengths behind. Unfortunately, on the 10th lap a fuel miscalculation in the port tank left us down a motor and 2nd place in the standings. A quick valve switch to transfer fuel allowed us to finish the race. Congrats to D&M on their OPA Cup

Destin and KW on tap over the next three weeks!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Sorry for the delay on getting some info up. LOTO was awesome, the people in the Midwest are fantastic and thy love their fast boats. Great competition with the other extreme boats on Sat. Bud Select, Bob Morgan and the 5000hp Skater and CRC. CRC got a jump on us after I called a pin by mistake and Scotty pulled out on the straight at 170 too bad because It was a short course and the boat felt like it was on rails. A blown water hose ended our day after 4 laps.ARRRRRGH the first race all season that we didn't finish...Oh well there's always TOMORROW!! Sunday was perfect weather and the same line up in extreme. Once again CRC caught us at the end of the straight as we couldn't pull more than 168. (we later found out a crew member had overfilled the boat with 200...that's right 200 extra gallons of fuel 1400 xtra lbs) . By the 4th lap we had a half a lp on BMR and Bud . No worries we sat on CRC's hip for 10 laps till we broke 'em . MISS GEICO TAKES FIRST OVERALL IN EXTREME OSS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS .Cudos to Mike and Jeff they really ran well....but HEY they aren't racing us RIGHT (wink). Bottom line is Scotty and I can't wait to get back to LOTO next year to race again.

busy busy schedule over the next month. Chat, Destin Key West then DUBAI

Big Smile,
